How to write SEO friendly blog post: The Ultimate Guide


Hey guys I hope you all must be doing great in your life. In this article we will learn how to write SEO friendly blog post. But before that let me tell you that

I know a bit more things about you, Amazed? yes that is obvious who am I and how  do I know you?

Not to worry guys I only know about you is that you are a hustler. Because you really wanna do something in your blogging journey and that is why you are here reading this post, Isn’t it? 

Writing a blog post is one of the toughest thing in blogging journey, I can totally relate to your pain, that even after sitting for hours and writing blog post for hours no one reads our post.

That is totally demotivating for any blogger. And that is obvious guys everyone goes through this disgusting period. 

So I’m writing this blog post about how you can write a SEO friendly blog post to rank number 1 on google. 

We will be talking about how you can optimize your image, post about other stuffs. Which helps to make your post lighter and eventually load faster than any other post.

Because I will be sharing some screenshots which will help you in understanding the things in better way.

So you only need to stick till the end of this post to get a complete knowledge about writing SEO friendly article even if you are a newbie blogger.

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What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization that means making your content more understandable for the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and for many others. 

The more it is understandable to the search engine the more preference it will get from the search engines.

So doing SEO is a science that anyone can learn if practiced regularly and keeping himself/herself updated. 

We are here to discuss more about this topic in detail. Each and every factor of SEO will be discussed.

Types of SEO

There are mainly 2 types of SEO 

On-Page SEO:- This type of SEO is extremely important in order to make your content understandable to the crawler of the search engines.

On page SEO is done within your content and no any other outsource.

It includes proper heading in your content, Inbound and outbound links, including the key phrase in the first para

Of- Page SEO:- This type of  SEO is also very important in ranking your blog post number 1 in google. Basically this types of SEO are used to fool google algorithms. 

Yes, I know that google algorithm is very very tricky but it bend its knees in front of Of-Page SEO. This generally includes making backlinks to your post.

And backlinks act same as voting system. The more backlinks you have the more vote you have in the eyes of google algorithms.

 And eventually google ends up putting you at the top of the list.

 Be fully aware about the Topic

This is the first mistake that a newbie blogger make while writing an article. Not being aware about the topic allows many distractions to come while writing  the blog post.

Share your experiences in the blog. And do a complete research, yes we all know that this is a slow process and so it takes time. But without doing any research about the topic you can’t create a worthy article. 

You should always look your competitors and write and article 10 to 15 times better than your competitors to rank number 1 on google. 

Also if you are not aware about the topic about which you are going to write, you will end up with frustration. It is very similar to shot in the dark. Which means you are not aware about your topic and writing just in the purpose of writing a number of blog post. 

Suppose I am writing an article on any Personality’s Health then I should not include the things like his favorite place, favorite food, His/her relationship status. Adding these things in that category will make the article very boring to the readers because they have come here to read about only the height of that particular person. 

Proper Structure About the Topic

Keeping the readers engage in your post you always need to structure your article properly. In doing so you can boost the real time of your website/blog post. People always prefer to get the knowledge in a sequence wise so that they can understand it in better way. 

You simply need a pen and a paper to make the structure of your blog post. The benefits of making the structure is that you are able to write the articles to the point. And also you don’t get bored in writing the article.

You should have a complete blueprint of the topics about which you are writing the article. Like the Headings and Subheadings. Adding Heading and Subheadings makes the article more easy for the readers to read.

 And best part is that google loves the article which have Headings and Subheadings because it wants the best of best article to be delivered to their users. So you need is to plan about the headings. 

Uses of Keyword in SEO friendly article

Keyword is the thing around which whole process revolves. Your keyword defines your ranking and writing a SEO friendly blog post.

 If the keyword is not worthy or it does not fulfil the search intent of the user.

Then sorry to say my dear friend that you cannot rank on google at number 1 position. For example 

If you are searching for ” Bajaj finance” then the first result will be of the company “BAJAJ FINANCE” and as people are searching for Bajaj finance they will automatically click on BAJAJ FINANCE website. 

So as I always say that choose the keyword cleverly. No, doubt that you can do a proper SEO to your post but that will not fulfil the search intent of the people searching for.

Here are some guide to use Keyword in the right place

Keyword in the Title:- The title must contain the focused keyword as it helps the google crawler as well as the reader to know better about the topic about which you are writing. The keyword you use also appears in the search result and your keyword gives the reason to the people to click on your post.

Keyword in the Heading:- Keyword in the heading also plays an important role in giving an indication to google about which topic your article is? The more indication you give to the search engine the better it understands about the topic. 

Keyword in first paragraph:- As I said the more indication you give to the search engines the more SEO friendly it becomes. So to make your article more SEO friendly it is proven effective to use the targeted keyword in the first paragraph itself. 

Keyword Stuffing:- Using the the keyword is a very good thing until you over use it. If you are not using the keyword in an appropriate manner which means you are putting the keyword unnecessarily everywhere then it is known as keyword stuffing and search engines majorly hate this.

Heading in a SEO friendly post

Headings are the components in a blog post which makes the blog easy to read. It separates each and every information and makes the article more convenient to read. We will discuss some important topics about the heading after which your doubt will be solved.

Start with HEADING 1:- The sign of a quality article is that it always starts with heading 1. It is the main heading of the article. You can add intro part in this heading. It gives a strong sense to the reader about what he/she is going to read.

Include H2 and H3 in the Heading:- H2 is the the subheading for the Title/heading 1 and H3 is the the subheading for the H2 and so on it goes. Adding subheading for the main heading makes everything clear to the reader as it is easy to read and understand.

Don’t repeat Heading 1:- As we know that there can be only one main heading in a blog post and that is Heading 1. So if you put Heading 1 again in an article it will not be more attractive to the search engines. A mess will be created in the post.

Don’t repeat the same Heading 2 and Heading 3:- There is no any need to use the same Heading 2 and Heading 3. It might seems obvious to most of you but if you make this mistake in a blog post then in the eyes of search engines this is not the proper order to write a SEO friendly article.

Use Headings with keyword:- This technique gives an ultimate boost to SEO as the keywords are also used in the heading. Which makes more clear to the search engine as well as the reader about the topic. 

Method to write SEO friendly blog post (Paragraph)

Writing lengthy and informative paragraphs are not the main thing, anyone can do that if researched properly. There are techniques that are proven effective in writing the paragraphs. 

Some SEO friendly techniques to write the paragraph are discussed below:-

Minimum length of the article:- Mainly the length of your article tells that how much information and how detailed information your article contains.

This does not means to increase the length of your article unnecessarily. 

Length of the paragraph:- The more bulky your article is the more boring it is to the readers. No one likes to read lengthy paragraphs. The maximum length of the paragraph should be 2 lines. 

 Here are the examples of a bulky paragraph and an easy to read paragraph


Keeping the readers engage in your post you always need to structure your article properly. In doing so you can boost the real time of your website/blog post. People always prefer to get the knowledge in a sequence wise so that they can understand it in better way. Then sorry to say my dear friend that you cannot rank on google at number 1 position. For example if you are searching for ” Bajaj finance” then the first result will be of the company “BAJAJ FINANCE” and as people are searching for Bajaj finance they will automatically     click on BAJAJ FINANCE website. 


Keeping the readers engage in your post you always need to structure your article properly.

 In doing so you can boost the real time of your website/blog post.

People always prefer to get the knowledge in a sequence wise so that they can understand it in better way.

Then sorry to say my dear friend that you cannot rank on google at number 1 position.

For example if you are searching for ” Bajaj finance” then the first result will be of the company “BAJAJ FINANCE” and as people are searching for Bajaj finance they will automatically click on BAJAJ FINANCE website. 

 Sentence length:- One sentence should only contain 20 words in it and not more than that. This helps the user to understand in a more convenient way. Use of full stop (.) after a sentence is extremely important.

Consecutive sentence:- Avoid Using the same sentences multiple times in a paragraph. This is one of the main factor of SEO. 

Spelling mistakes/ Poor grammar:- Before pressing the publish button make sure to check all the spellings and grammar mistakes in the article. 

An article with a grammar or spelling mistake can never rank number one in any search engine. 

Transition words:- These are the kind of words that makes relation between phrases, sentences or even the paragraphs. Your thoughts and ideas are connected to the users in a better way.

Examples of Transition words for:-

TIME:- afterwards, before, during and earlier etc.

SIMILARITY:- also, in the same way, likewise and similarly etc.

EXCEPTION:- but, however, on the other hand, still etc. 

Optimizing the post to make it more SEO friendly

Page load Speed Optimization:- This is a common mistake for a newbie blogger. They just write the article and post they don’t pay much attention about optimization. 

I personally suggest you to use WP rocket to speed up the loading speed of your page.

Image Optimization:- Optimizing the image and then uploading it into the post is on of my secret strategy to boost up the page speed. It is much needed in SEO friendly blog post. 

There are websites to compress the image. I personally use and I also recommend this to all the uprising bloggers.

Here is how to do this step by step




How to write SEO friendly blog post: The Ultimate Guide

Multimedia:- Adding multimedia makes the article more interesting to read. We all are human beings and we get bored of just seeing the text everywhere. 

And this is one of the factor of SEO friendly article and articles with embedded videos, photos and infographics have more chances to rank number one on google.

Bonus tips to Write SEO friendly blog post

Add Keyword in SEO title:- Using the keyword in the SEO title helps the users to know about which topic your article is about.

Click worthy meta description:- Write the meta description which grabs the attention of the user and gives him a reason to click in your post. Again i will say that this is also a great factor of SEO.

STOP words in slug area:- Avoid using stops words like “in” “to” and more words like this in the slog area

how to write a SEO friendly blog post: The Ultimate guide

Add Alternate text in Image:- This helps to rank your image as well and also it tells google about your focused keyword.

Internal/inbound linking:- Internal linking means linking your old post in the current post where need. 

External/outbound linking:- Insert links of other high authority website in your article, this also boost up the ranking.

Active sentences:-  try to use more active sentences, these kind of sentences are more understandable to the user and it is good in SEO point of view.

Use page break:- Breaking the page help the post load in a better way. although the number of pages are increased but it loads within seconds. Believe me guys this is the proven way.

Now it’s the time to implement these tricks in your blog post. Share this article with your blogger friend if you find it helpful. And if you have any doubt about how to write an SEO friendly blog post just comment down your queries.

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